Byrå - Technical manual for scanning

Scanning is a Premium functionality

Transit Folder:

The scanner must output its files to the transit folder location that has been set in Byrå. Supported are all types of files.

Tagging of files:

Explanation of the supported tags.

O[OfficeId] - stands for office and the value inside the braces is the id for the office, which is the primary key (Id column) that the Office has in the database. Retrieve it by starting SQL Server Management Studio and look in the database WkBureauDb and the table Office.

U[AdminSignature] - stands for User (Administrator) and is the signature for the administrator

Supported ways of tagging are:

Administrator signature and office

O[OfficeId]_U[AdminSignature]_ Filname.extension 

E.g. O[1]_U[admin]_Invoice.pdf

A file that has office tags will only be visible in the scanning view when:

  • “Mine” filter is checked and the logged in administrator has the same signature as the tagged file.
  • “Office” filter is checked and the logged in administrator belongs to the same office as the tagged office in the file.
  • “All” filter is checked.


O[OfficeId]_ Filname.extension 

E.g. O[1]_Invoice.pdf

A file that has office tags will only be visible in the scanning view when:

  • “Office” filter is checked and the logged in administrator belongs to the same office.
  • “All” filter is checked.

Administrator signature

U[AdminSignature]_ Filname.extension 

E.g. U[admin]_Invoice.pdf

A file that has only admin tags will be visible in the scanning view when:

  • “Mine” filter is checked and the logged in administrator has the same signature as the tagged file.
  • “All” filter is checked.

File without tags (Untagged)


E.g. Invoice.pdf

A file that has no tags will only be visible in the scanning view when the “All” filter is checked.